Spring Convention 2018

From Deutsche Bromelien-Gesellschaft e. V.

Spring Convention of the DBG 2018

Subscriptions to the office of the DBG e.V. Possible changes will be shown here.

Saturday, 14th April 2018

Assendelft and Utrecht, Netherlands

10.00 Meeting at Assendelft: Nursery Corn. Bak B.V., Dorpsstraat 11 B, 1566 AA Assendelft
13.00 Lunch (included in the fee)
15.00 Botanical Garden Utrecht, Harvardlaan 10, 3584 CD Utrecht
19.00 Dinner at the Hotel, Hotel De Bilt - Utrecht De Holle Bilt 1 3732 HM De Bilt biltschehoek@valk.com Tel: 0031 30 220 58 11

Sonntag, 15. April 2018

10:00 Uhr Open Door at Bromelien Westermann, Uelser Feld 9, 49843 Uelsen, Deutschland (Google Maps)
subscription individually to Bert Westermann
The hotel suggestion is optional. Feel free to reserve the hotel you prefer.