DIE BROMELIE - 2024(1)

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DIE BROMELIE - 2024(1) back.jpg
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Table of contents

  • Front Page - A steep slope of cracked granite slabs serves as a habitat for a diverse plant community in the valley of the Río Jequetepeque at the Puente La Muyuna, Cajamarca, Peru.
  • Lieselotte Hromadnik & Michael H.J. Barfuss - Natural Habitats & New Description - The Unsuccessful Search for Tillandsia chiletensis and a Suprising Discovery: Tillandsia palmatodigitata, a New Endemic Species from Cajamarca, Peru
  • Matthias Lieber - Cultivation - Diaphoranthema, the Dwars among the Tillansias - An Experience Report (1)
  • Eric J. Gouda - New Description - A New Variety of Tillandsia capillaris from Bolivia
  • Eric J. Gouda & Reino Koopmans - Plant Presentation & Taxonomy - Tillandsia cyanea (A. Dietr.) É. Morren (=T. guatemalensis) - A Comparison with T. excelsa, T. selleana, T. cauliflora and Others
  • Eric J. Gouda - New Description - Tillandsia x complanea - A New Natural Hybrid of T. complanata and T. cyanea ( A. Dietr.) È. Morren (=T. guatemalensis) from Costa Rica
  • Internal - Report on the Spring Meeting 2023 of the DBG in Czechia
  • Internal - Member's Meeting and Regular Annual General Meeting 2024 of the German Bromeliad Society e.V. (DBG) & Number of Memebers of the German Bromeliad Society e.V. (DBG) as of 31.12.2023
  • Back Page - Type locality for the attractive and fairly small Puya pratensis - more details page 4