To grow bromeliads from seeds is quite easy. Difficult is to get seeds. Because of this, the DBG startet the seed fund. Here, all members can get seeds against a little fee.

Now you have the possiblity, to order pollen. The price is the same as for seeds.

The seeds in our seed fund are stored in a freezer, so the germination will remain. After you receive the seeds, the should be sown emediately.


You can order the seeds in portions. One portion is approx. the quantity of one seed-capsule, by pollen the quantity in one flower. The expenses for one package is 3,-€. For shipments outside Germany, please inquire. For payment please use the account of the Deutsche Bromeliengesellschaft e.V..

Prior to you order, please get in contact with:

Dominik Dresel

Collecting seeds / pollen

The seed fund only can exist with your help. For collecting seeds, only dry capsules should be used. The seeds should not has been wet or dusty. Please contact me, if you would donate seeds or pollen. If you will wait for more seeds or pollen prior to shipment, please store them in your freezer.

The seeds in schientific collections are divided into three categories:

  • 1: Seeds collectet on the natural location.
  • 2: Seeds from cultured plants, pollinated manually. The parent-plants has to be known.
  • 3: Seeds from cultured plants, or origin of the plants not known.

If possible, please state ach much as possible informations regarding the donated seeds or pollen.

Informations about collecting seeds you can find in, Lieselotte Hromadnik, „DIE BROMELIE“ 1993(2) on page 60.

Your cnowledge is needed

The seed fund is not only ment as an place for seed exchange. Your experiences in germination and further care of the plants is needen. So we have the possibility, to built a cnowledge-database for this topic.

Available Seeds

List of all available seeds:[1]

Available Pollen

List of all available pollen:[2]